A SyntaxHighlighter bundle for Laravel.
Install and publish via the Artian CLI:
php artisan bundle:install syntaxhighlighter
php artisan bundle:publish syntaxhighlighter
Or download the zip and unpack into your bundles directory, and copy the public files in to public/bundles/syntaxhighlighter.
You need to register SyntaxHighlighter with your application before you can use it. Simply edit application/bundles.php and add the following to the array:
'topos' => array(
'autoloads' => array(
'map' => array(
'Topos\\Menu' => '(:bundle)/menu.php',
Alternatively you can just add 'syntaxhighlighter'
and use Bundle::start('syntaxhighlighter')
each time before you want to highlight.
Start the bundle and highlight some code:
echo SyntaxHighlighter::highlight($code, 'html');
You’ll also need to output the scripts from the ‘footer’ asset container somewhere (like the end of your layout):
echo Asset::container('footer')->scripts();
You can change the default style and language in the config/default.php. If you add any new brushes you can configure them in config/brush.php.